16 Best Natural Wonders In Mexico

Do you plan to see Mexico’s natural wonders? We’ve got you covered! The country is a treasure trove of natural beauties that leave tourists in amazement, from lush rainforests and clean beaches to towering peaks and mystical cenotes. In this post, we will explore some of Mexico’s finest natural treasures.

16 Best Natural Wonders In Mexico

16 Best Natural Wonders In Mexico

1. Marieta Islands, Nayarit

Marieta Islands, Nayarit

One of the most frequently talked-about places to visit in Riviera Nayarit, Mexico, is the Marieta Islands secret beach.

For years, people have been drawn to the island retreat by its enigmatic appeal and unusual experiences, and while the protected national park isn’t ideal for seaside BBQs and sunbathing all day, it makes up one of the beaches near Puerto Vallarta that you shouldn’t miss out on your next holiday.

The Marieta Islands are situated approximately an hour from Puerto Vallarta off the shores of Riviera Nayarit, Mexico, close to the town of Punta Mita.

The islands, which can be reached easily by boat and offer unique opportunities for diving, snorkeling, swimming, and bird watching, provide a respite for travelers seeking for the best Puerto Vallarta beaches.

2. Calakmul Biosphere Reserve, Yucatan Peninsula

Calakmul Biosphere Reserve

The Calakmul Biosphere Reserve, nestled near the tip of Mexico’s Yucatan Peninsula, is the country’s biggest forest reserve. It has around 720,000 hectares of protected area and 52 ‘ejidos,’ or tiny settlements, with a total population of nearly 23,700 people in its buffer zone.

It is hardly a virgin forest, as evidenced by the ruins of Mayan towns abandoned in A.D. 900. It is made up of Evergreen tropical humid forest, forest with low seasonally flooded forest, thorn forest, as well as tropical deciduous forest.

Tourism in the area has expanded dramatically since the Old Maya City along with the Protected Woods of Calakmul were designated as a Mixed World Heritage Site.

From 2012 to 2016, the total number of tourists nearly doubled, with the majority of them drawn to the area’s archeological and natural attractions.

3. Grutas Tolantongo, Hidalgo

Grutas Tolantongo, Hidalgo

Grutas Tolantongo can be found in the state of Hidalgo, which has one of Mexico’s largest Nahuatl populations. It takes 4 hours to get there from Mexico City and 4.5 hours to get there from Guanajuato.

Tolantongo is a Nahuatl term that means “place of moving waters” – and it’s simple to understand how it gained its name. Hot springs as well as geothermal pools abound in the canyon, heating the water across the Grutas Tolantongo.

The region is semi-desert, with tall cactus and rock formations written by the flow of water and natural pressures. The aqua-blue Tolantongo River flows through the canyon, tinted by the mineral salts it takes up as it travels through the mountain.

Grutas Tolantongo is accessible all year, in fact, every day of the year. Because of its position in Central Mexico, it enjoys nice springtime weather for most of the year.

Evenings in the winter may be quite chilly. Because of the weather and congestion, it is advised to avoid the rainy season.

4. Tamul Waterfall, San Luis Potosi

Tamul Waterfall, San Luis Potosi

The 105m tall Tamul Waterfall, located southwest of Ciudad Valles, is the highest in the state of San Luis Potosi. The waterfall is formed by the confluence of two rivers, which result in a 300m broad cascade.

Accessing the waterfall is a difficult task that requires a little bravery and strategy. However, for those who put in the work, the result is well worth it.

The waterfall will be less impressive during the dry season. As a result, It is Highly recommended to visit around the start of the dry season to experience both the clear blue river and the cascading cascade.

5. Las Coloradas, Yucatan

Las Coloradas, Yucatan

Las Coloradas, a little fishing community in the state of Yucatán, attracts visitors with its extremely pink lake and salt flats that are still in production.

Consider cotton candy-colored lakes that contrast against mild, pastel blues, with emerald green margins from the nearby Rio Lagartos Biosphere Reserve.

This protected wetland region is known as Las Coloradas, and it consists of a series of vivid pink lakes scattered throughout the terrain near the Gulf of Mexico.

A once-hidden treasure has become a popular destination for influencers and video makers looking for the ideal photo. There will be more tour buses than ever before, which may detract from the experience. The colors, though, are just gorgeous.

6. Parque Nacional Grutas de Cacahuamilpa, Guerrero

Parque Nacional Grutas de Cacahuamilpa, Guerrero

The Grutas de Cacahuamilpa, one of the world’s largest subterranean cave systems, attracts thousands of spelunkers each year.

The Grutas de Cacahuamilpa National Park, which spans 1,598.26 hectares within the municipalities of Pilcaya along with Taxco de Alarcon in the state of Guerrero,

It was designated a National Park in 1936 and is home to one of Mexico’s most fascinating cave systems and calcareous formations.

Cacahuamilpa is a Nahuatl term that means “in the peanut seed” or just “fertile place for peanut cultivation.” The Chontal language name for it was Cocoyocuatl, and the grotto was renowned as a ceremonial spot to worship the natives with the Salachi voice.

7. Nevado de Toluca, State of Mexico

Nevado de Toluca, State of Mexico

Nevado de Toluca, one of Mexico’s numerous old volcanoes, is home to two lovely lagoons produced by the volcano’s melting snow, named after the sun and the moon.

Lower-elevation wooded portions of the park are characterized by a mix of dead trees, firs, as well as pines.

The park’s terrain is largely grasslands and alpine meadows above the tree line, which encompass much of the hilly area until you reach the highest heights on Nevado de Toluca.

Nevado de Toluca is a famous outdoor leisure destination due to its closeness to Mexico City and the city of Toluca.

8. Sotano de las Golondrinas, San Luis Potosi

El Sotano de las Golondrinas, which means “the Cave of Swallows”, is the world’s largest documented cave shaft, and at a depth of 1400 feet, it is Mexico’s second-lowest pit.

The green parakeets as well as white-collared swifts that reside along its walls give the cave its name. Every day, the birds soar in concentric circles out of the cave shaft until the flocks flow out into the jungle.

A variety of birds establish their homes in the cave walls, giving the cave its name. It is situated in the Mexican state of San Luis Potosi. This is a well-known vertical caving spot that appeals to both adrenaline junkies and nature lovers.

Because the cave is so deep, the friction may trigger the rope and equipment to become hot up to dangerous levels, thus spray water bottles are utilized to keep the equipment while one descends.

9. Sumidero Canyon, Chiapas

Sumidero Canyon, Chiapas

Sumidero Canyon is extremely deep and narrow, with vertical cliffs reaching up to 2600 feet in places. The best way to see this canyon is via a boat trip along the Rio Grijalva, however, there are various vantage locations from which you may see it from above.

It is critical to understand that the river seems calm now only because of the building of this hydroelectric dam in 1980; before that, the current was powerful, and crossing the river was risky.

On the journey, the boatman will point out various caverns and intriguing rock formations. One of the most intriguing is the “Christmas Tree,” which is made of moss hanging from one of the rock faces. You can witness how the water trickles through the ‘branches’ of the tree if you arrive during the rainy season.

10. Hierve el Agua, Oaxaca

Hierve el Agua, Oaxaca

Hierve el Agua is an outstanding site in the Mexican state of Oaxaca’s highlands. At first view, these appear to be normal waterfalls, but closer inspection reveals that they are ‘petrified waterfalls.’

They evolved over thousands of years when natural springs calcified on a high cliff face, resulting in an alien natural phenomenon that is both stunning and uncommon.

The rock formation is formed as the spring’s water gently trickles over the cliff, depositing surplus minerals in the water. If you’re familiar with the formation of stalactites in caves, you’ll recognize this procedure.

The panoramas from the top of the falls are stunning, a dip in the pools is soothing and enjoyable, and nothing beats viewing a cliff face that resembles a cascade turned to stone.

11. Peña de Bernal, Queretaro

Peña de Bernal, Queretaro

The Pea de Bernal, one of the world’s largest monoliths, is supposed to have supernatural properties and is the site of different pilgrimages throughout the year.

While Mexico has a wide range of scenery, the monolith of Bernal may be one of the most perplexing. It is a lone peak that towers over Queretaro’s otherwise flat plains.

It is an important day excursion for everyone visiting the area and is only an hour away from the bustling metropolis of Santiago de Queretaro.

Be warned: the trek up is steep and frequently difficult. Before you get to the trailhead, the street is going to be lined with shops to keep you entertained.

12. El Rosario Butterfly Sanctuary, Michoacan

El Rosario Butterfly Sanctuary, Michoacan

El Rosario is among the most accessible of five safeguarded wintering habitats for millions of Monarch butterflies in Mexico. It is also noted for having the most Monarch butterfly populations! It is only a couple of hours distant from Mexico City.

Every fall, millions, if not billions, of butterflies from across North America come to the site and congregate on tiny parts of the forest reserve, turning the trees orange and bending their limbs under their collective weight.

These butterflies begin an 8-month journey to Eastern Canada and return in the spring, during which four successive generations are born and perish. It’s unclear how they go back to their overwintering location.

13. Izta-Popo Zoquiapan National Park, Puebla

Izta-Popo Zoquiapan National Park, Puebla

President Lazaro Cardenas established Izta-Popo Zoquiapan National Park in 1935, resulting in Mexico’s oldest national park.

The Hacienda of Zoquiapam was added in 1937, therefore the park’s official title is the Parque Nacional Iztaccihuatl-Popocatepetl Zoquiapan, however, it is commonly referred to as the Izta-Popo park.

The two huge snow-capped volcanoes that constitute an imposing element of Mexico’s environment and also figure strongly in mythology are the primary attractions of Izta-Popo.

This national park is suitable for nature enthusiasts and may be visited as a day trip from Mexico or Puebla.

14. Tepozteco Hill, Morelos

Parque Nacional El Tepozteco is a nationally protected region in Mexico that has spectacular Aztec ruins and an extensive collection of cultural relics. It is located in both Morelos and Mexico City. Chichinuatzin is the tallest and most conspicuous of the park’s 16 designated mountains.

The road up to the summit temple follows gorgeous antique stairs before becoming a pathway of hard stones.

The final stretch prior to reaching the pyramid runs directly through a narrow rock canyon that frames the structure. The beautiful woodland stroll explains why devotees flock from all over the world to pray at El Tepozteco.

15. Basaltic Prisms, Hidalgo

The Basaltic Prisms are actually geometric basalt columns that adorn the walls of Santa Maria Regla Canyon. The four waterfalls supplying the San Antonio Regla dam can be seen bathing the walls.

The prisms are located five kilometers northeast of Huasca de Ocampo, beside the old estate of Santa Mara Regla.

In addition to watching the breathtaking display of these gorgeous prisms, tourists may enjoy the Basaltic Prisms Vacation Center, which has been built in the nearby region, where they can swim in its courts, horseback ride, and take boat trips around the San Antonio dam.

16. Pico de Orizaba, Veracruz

Pico de Orizaba, Veracruz

Pico de Orizaba, Mexico’s tallest peak, is referred to by its indigenous identity, Citlaltepetl, meaning “star mountain.”

The volcano is now inactive but not extinct, with the most recent eruption occurring in the nineteenth century. After Africa’s Mount Kilimanjaro, it is the world’s second most conspicuous volcanic summit.

The Pico offers a panoramic view over the valley and city of Orizaba, from which it receives its name. The term Citlaltepetl is not utilized by Nahuatl speakers in the Orizaba region, who instead refer to it as Istaktepetl, which translates as “White Mountain.”

During the Pre-Columbian Era, the volcano was referred to as Poyautecatl, which translates as “the ground that reaches the clouds” by the inhabitants.

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